Running aground on a ship in the Wadden Sea
First you will go for a tour on a sailboat and let the ship run aground on a sandbank on purpose. You can then go for a hike across the tidal flat and get back aboard before the water rises and the ship is freed from the sankbank…
Spend the day and night on the tidal flat aboard a historical sailboat. Experience the low and high tides, running aground and refloating the ship. It’s a breathtaking experience!
The Wadden Sea World Heritage Site is a unique tidal area. The tide changes every six hours, with the retreating water exposing large parts of the sea floor of the Wadden Sea entirely. The historical sailboats are built specifically to run aground on a sandbank during low tide. Put on your hiking shoes and go for a guided excursion on the tidal flats. After the ‘wadlopen’ (tidal flat hiking) excursion, you will board the ship once again just before th tide comes in. The ship will then sail back to Harlingen or spend the night on the Wadden Sea.
Check out the dates and booking options.